
Whether following a death, or in the event of a serious illness or injury, we understand that making a claim is emotional and difficult. We are here to assist throughout the claims process, to make sure that claiming is as stress-free as possible.

In the event of a claim, the claimant should follow these simple steps:

  • 1 Call IA Life on 1300 378 408 to advise of the impending claim. We will run through the claims process in detail and organise to send out a claims pack or you can download a claims form below.
  • 2 Complete the claims form
  • 3 Collect important documentation in support of the claim. We will advise you as to what is required, but for a death claim this may include:
    • 3.1 Proof of claim (for example: Death Certificate, Medical Practitioner’s report)
    • 3.2 Proof of deceased’s age (for example: Birth Certificate, Passport)
    • 3.3 Proof of the claimant’s identity and their relationship to the insured
  • 4 The completed claims form and relevant documentation should be sent as soon as possible to IA Life by:

    Email to

    so that we can expedite the claims process.
  • 5 The original claims form and certified documentation must be sent to IA Life in order to finalise the claims process and make the claims payment. Please send these by mail to IA Life, PO Box 471 Seaforth NSW 2092 (no stamp required).

You will be advised of exactly what documentation needs to be provided for any claim when you contact us. You do not need to supply original documentation, however any documentation supplied must be a certified copy, which means that the original documentation has been sighted by a Justice of the Peace (JP) and the JP has stamped and signed the photocopied documents.

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